Thursday, January 30, 2020

A discussion of equality and diversity issues in a teaching situation-CTLLS Essay Example for Free

A discussion of equality and diversity issues in a teaching situation-CTLLS Essay 5. A discussion of equality and diversity issues relevant to the candidates teaching/training situation. Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably than others. Equality is about the rights of the learners to attend and participate regardless of age, sex, race, gender reassignment, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage/civil partnership and pregnancy /maternity. Diversity is about recognising and being tolerant of different views which individual people have, in terms of cultural backgrounds and different lifestyle choices relating to any characteristics they may have. A diverse society is what we have as every individual has a different culture, belief and life experience to the next. Inclusion is about including all the learners in ‘relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason either directly or indirectly’ (Gravells 2008). ‘Every learner has the right to expect that they will receive high quality learning appropriate to their needs and circumstances ion a safe and healthy environment.’ (Success for all: DfES 2002). Inclusive teaching and learning is possible when promoted. In order to achieve this I combine both the training cycle and the learning styles from Kolb and Fry. These include using Concrete experience, Abstract Conceptualisation, Active Experimentation and Observation and Reflection. Learners the mixing up of which produces the learning styles that best suits a learner, ie; Converger, Diverger, Assimilator and Accommodator. By ensuring the lessons accommodate all learning styles all learners will feel inclusion. Along with the learning styles I would include relevant resource materials . If a learner requires more intervention then I may need to include the following; additional classroom support, adapted or specific resources, peer support, varied presentation, content selection, reducing or increasing time for activities Along with my mentor Geri walker I have written the 5 day induction programme for new starters within the organisation. This includes lectures in subject matter using power point presentation and notes (abstract conceptualisation), Direct discrimination occurs when you treat someone unfairly due to at least the nine characteristics discussed. Indirect discrimination occurs when a working condition, environment or rule disadvantages one group of people or person more than another. As a teacher it is important that to give equal support, you must not discriminate and  must not show favouritism in any way. A teacher should not impose views and opinions on the learners. It is necessary to ensure that the learners show dignity and respect to others in the learning environment. A teacher must recognise that each learner is different and accommodate for those differences wherever possible in the classroom. You should demonstrate your commitment to equal opportunities through everything you say and do in your work with adult students.† (Daines, Daines and Graham, 1993). Geoff Petty states that: Differentiation is an approach to teaching that attempts to ensure that all students learn well, despite their many differences. Catch phrases which go some way to capturing this concept include: ‘Coping with differences’. ‘Learning for all’ or ‘Success for all’ People began to realise it was not just ability that could be â€Å"mixed’’ and that teachers had to cope with differences: learning style, age, motivation, prior learning and experience, gender, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, and so on. Consequently the term ‘mixed ability’ began to be replaced by the less vivid term: ‘differentiation’. It is important to work in partnership with the learner, get to know them, so that you can assess their ‘minimum core’ and what their learning needs are. If a learner knows what is expected from them and you tell them what to expect from you , successful learning can be achieved . This may be achieved by recognising the needs of a particular person or group of people. The learners within the sessions I teach include people with; learning difficulties, hearing impairments, those whose first language is not English, or those people who may require additional support with literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills. The learners I teach come from different social and cultural backgrounds and during teaching I have had to respect the following and accommodate, prayer times, Ramadan and different beliefs to mine without impacting on others. I need to plan my sessions to enable all learners to take part and achieve their individual learning aims, taking into account how I communicate with learner (e.g. using appropriate vocabulary and terminology no abbreviations and jargon, my comments are not discriminatory or offensive or that my body language is appropriate. I need  to check that the resources used are non- discriminatory or stereotypical, suitable for the learners needs so that all the learners can participate. Teaching methods need to be varied and support all learning styles. The learning environment needs to promote inclusion ,e.g. for people with disabilities. The Kennedy Report (1997) stressed the importance of making learning accessible to all learners , focussing on people who may be disadvantaged due to social, economic or educational background. These create barriers to learning that may prevent adults from continuing developing their education e.g.lack of information, childcare support, basic skills and costs involved to study. References Daines, JW et al (2006) Adult Learning, Adult Teaching, 4th ed, Cardiff: Welsh Academic Press DfES (2002b) Success for All. London: HMSO Gravells, A, (2008).preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector.3rd ed. exeter: learning matters Petty, G, (2004) Teaching Today: A practical guide,3rd ed. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes Reisenberger A Dadzie S (2002), Equality and diversity in adult and community learning – a guide for managers, Niace Smith, M. K. (2001). David A. Kolb on experiential learning, the encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved 17/3/13 from

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dr Spock :: Essays Papers

Dr Spock Benjamin Spock â€Å"Dr.Benjamin Spock, hailed as the grandfather of pediatrics, is known as the leading authority on child rearing.† (Gale 1997) Dr. Benjamin Spock was born on May 2 1903 in New Haven Connecticut, The oldest of six children of a lawyer. Spock attended Yale university, where he became a member of the Yale rowing crew that won the gold metal at the 1924 Olympic games in Paris. Spock planned to pursue a career in architecture, but changed his mind after spending a summer as a camp counselor. From that point on he decided to become a doctor so that he could devote his life to helping children. From there on , Dr. Spock has been know as the authority on how to raise achild. Spock has written over 12 books on the subjects pertaining to child development and care. His first book Baby and Child Care published in 1945, has since sold more than 40 million copies., making it second only to the bible sales worldwide. The book has also been translated into 39 different languages. Not only is Spock known for being a great pediatrician and author, but he is known as a political activist as well. Spock was a high-profile political activist in the 1960’s. Spock came under fire from critics like Vice president Spiro Agnew in the 1960’s who branded him â€Å"The father of permissiveness† responsible for a generation of hippies. Spock joined those youths in protests against nuclear technology and the Vietnam war and in 1967 led a march on the Pentagon. He was arrested numerous times for civil disobedience, and even ran for U.S. president as a candidate for the people’s party in 1972. Dr. Spock’s last contribution to this society came out in 1994 in the form of his last book. A Better World For Our Children, which contained recommendations for

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Healthy lifestyle Essay

In my everyday life, I come across many fears. One of the constant fears is of leaving a negative impact on people with whom I deal on regular basis. These people are not my family members as I have a cocooned family life and I am hundred percent sure of my loved ones’ unconditional support to me always. It is the people like neighbors, peers etc. whose approval I seek the most and fear that they might hold a negative impression of my personality in their minds. This fear affects my everyday life drastically. Though I make sure that I appear calm and composed in front of others, I feel extremely conscious from within about the way in which I am coming across to people. This means most of my conversations during my interpersonal communications are not spontaneous. I think a lot before speaking as I do not want to hurt any body’s feelings and at the same time I try to safeguard my own self-esteem by being good in the eyes of others. This fear has made me an excellent observer of not only verbal but also non verbal communication. I am able to observe certain things that everyone cannot. I read eye contacts, different types of smiles, the way one nods ones head, the way one reacts on seeing me, the warmth of the handshake etc. to confirm whether all is well in one’s mind and heart as far as my image is considered. This is a trait that sometimes irritates me as even in informal chats I am always alert and feel that I am on a mission to present myself in the eyes of others as beautifully as possible. After trying to intrinsically understand this aspect of my personality I have come to a conclusion that I am extremely protective of my self image and would find it really difficult to combat any personal attacks like use of bad words or hurtful gestures as I am vulnerable from within. My fear truly represents my love for being considered a respectable member of the society and being acknowledged by everyone as a wonderful person. Another factor that affects my behavior is the fear of gaining weight. This fear is so strong that whenever I eat something good, I feel guilty of eating it. I love food but always keep on doing calculations of how many calories I might earn by indulging in satisfying my taste buds. As a result eating is not as much fun as it used to be in my childhood days. A simple activity like eating has become a complicated task for me. Not only this, I spend a substantial amount of time in looking at myself from all angles in the mirror. I want to ensure that I am fit and attractive. As a result I keep on asking my family members whether I look attractive or not. The worst part is that whatever the answer is, I somehow do not believe in it completely. This means that if some one says that I look great and my figure is good enough, I do not completely believe in him / her as I feel that he / she is saying this just to make me happy. On the other hand if someone points out a little defect in my figure for example slightly large buttocks or thighs etc. , I feel that he / she is being too sarcastic. I start arguing that after all; that does not mar my attractive personality in any way. This behavior of mine has really affected my personal relationships as my near and dear ones are really at their wits end to find out a way of providing an answer that satisfies me. I know that they love me the way I am and my appearance really does not matter to them much but my overindulgence of making sure that my outward personality is attractive puts them off sometimes and strains the conversations on many occasions. I want to get out of this fear induced behavior but have not gained any success so far. I feel that this behavior again represents how conscious I am of my self image. In addition to my inner qualities I also want to gain praises and acceptance of my appearance and looks. I want everyone to be mesmerized by my qualities and I am extremely conscious of it always. These two fears represent that I want to be a wonderful person from all aspects. Another fear that affects me and my behavior is the fear of loosing a dear one. I always fear that people whom I love the most might suffer a fatal accident or might get diagnosed with an incurable disease. This fear has affected my behavior a lot. I not only openly shower my love to the people I am close to, but also tell them to be as careful with their health and well being as possible. I advise them a lot on how to cross the roads, how to drive or how to lead and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This is something that all my family members are aware of but I still keep on reminding them about the negative results of being careless. A positive way in which my behavior has got affected due to my fear is that I have become very cautious with money. I think a lot before spending extravagantly as I feel that money should be saved for hard times like dealing with a loved one’s ill health. I keep track of all the measures that can be taken to prevent certain common diseases like high / low blood pressure level, high / low cholesterol level, Type 1 / Type 2 diabetes etc. I keep on reading self help books on how to keep oneself fit and keep on insisting to my family members that they should always exercise and take care of their bodies. If they miss out on their daily exercise routine then I let them know my dislike instantly and sometimes even behave rudely with them which puts them off. I try to take things lightly but get very rigid if my loved ones show any sign of being lazy in their health related matters. I also lecture them a lot on their spending habits and try to make them understand that health is the most important wealth they possess and they should save money for hard times. Thus all the three forms of fear represent the different ways in which I treasure the gift of life that God has bestowed upon me. I want to lead life to the fullest by conserving and taking good care of all the natural assets that I am born with as well as the ones that I have attained through hard work in order to lead a wholesome life in company of my loving family members and approving acquaintances. I fear of parting away from all that I have.